Sunday, August 9, 2009

Quit Smoking with the E Cig / Electric Cigarette

I've been a smoker for 15 years and have tried everything to quit. Out of all the products out there, I've found one that actually works. I've always said if there was a product that looked like a cigarette, tasted like a cigarette, and feels like a cigarette, I'd be the first in line to buy it. Hence, we now have the electric cigarette, or e-cig.Now there are many different brands and styles you can buy.

From the older more longer pen like three piece model to one that actually looks like a cigarette, it's hard to decide which is the best to buy and where can one get it the cheapest. So I've done extensive research on the different models. I knew I didn't want to have some long pen looking thing hanging out of my mouth, so I narrowed the category to just the ones that look like a cigarette.

How it works:

There is the long white part of the e-cig that is a lithium battery, the atomizer, and the nicotine cartridge. The three piece ones have the atomizer separate, but the two piece model actually has a built in atomizer in each cartridge. The battery heats up the atomizer which heats the nicotine and you actually breathe in water vapor with nicotine. There is also real vapor that is exhaled creating a smoke like effect.

Three piece model vs. two piece model:

Well, obviously the three piece was cheaper than the two piece, but I read reviews on how the atomizers on the three piece models would "crap out" after a 2-3 months of use. And it made sense too because all the manufacturers that sold the three piece models sold replacement atomizers. The two piece was more efficient because I got a fresh atomizer in each cartridge. The cartridge itself lasts about a day and they claim over at the cartridge lasts about 1.25 packs of cigs.

The cheapest two piece model:

This was a hard one. I searched and searched all over using, "two piece e-cig" "fresh atomizer" etc. I also took into consideration of how much I spent when I was buying cigarettes. The e-cig or electric cigarette cartridges are far cheaper. Most places you get them for $14-$15 for five cartridge refills and to me that not saving enough so I searched harder. I ran across one company that offers the same thing as all of its more well known competitors and they sell them at 10 cartridges for $18.95. That's a $1.89 for a "pack of cigs" so I was sold not only on the advanced technology, but also that they were the cheapest. Besides, they also had a 30 day money back guarantee plus a lifetime warrantee on the product so I had nothing to lose.

When I got the electric cigarette:

I was excited but also apprehensive to take another attempt of quitting smoking and when I got the product from I charged the batteries and attached the fresh cartridge to the battery and started puffing away. At that moment, time stood still and I was amazed that this tasted, felt, looked like a cigarette. Over at, they really do live up to what they say. I went from a pack a day to a pack every 4 days in just a matter of a week.

How I quit with the e-cig at

Let's face it smokers, we love to smoke! Oh yeah I love when I wake up in the morning and take that first drag, or after a meal, or after,,,,, well...let's leave out the other details. Anyhooo,,, So I thought to myself, if I could smoke anywhere and everywhere I wanted with this electric cigarette at, I decided to smoke this e-cig at work and when I got home I could smoke real cigs. I never smoked in my house so I even ended up smoking the e-cig more than real cigs. So that's how I did it, because after you find out that you're only smoking a few real cigs a day, then it's just time to flip the switch and come over to a more healthier approach to smoking. So on the weekends, I'd smoke the e-cig at the bars and didn't even want a real cig. People asked me about it right and left and in here in Missouri you can still smoke in bars, but Illinois, no sir/ma'am,,, need to go outside. So this was great, whether the weather be good or bad, it didn't matter for me because I could smoke anywhere.

Is the electric cigarette or e-cig safe?

This was an important factor before I bought any e-cig. What is in these cartridges and is it safe? Well at , the only things that are involved are water, nicotine, and an organic chemical compound called propylene glycol. This is found and used widely in foods, medicines, and cosmetics. They also use it in fog machines so that would explain the smoke like vapor that comes out when you exhale when using the electric cigarette. Personally after using the product for a month now, I have had no side effects whatsoever. In all reality, I actually feel better.

What is in these cartridges and is it safe?

Well at , the only things that are involved are water, nicotine, and an organic chemical compound called propylene glycol. This is found and used widely in foods, medicines, and cosmetics. They also use it in fog machines so that would explain the smoke like vapor that comes out when you exhale when using the electric cigarette. Personally after using the product for a month now, I have had no side effects whatsoever. In all reality, I actually feel better.

What is the FDA doing about this?

Great question and for electric cigarettes or e-cigs, it still remains to be in question. Let's take a step back for a moment and review what you've already read. We now have a product that gives nicotine safely at a third of the cost of cigarettes or other nicotine devices, patches, gum etc. Oh yeah, someone is losing money on this deal and it's not So of course the FDA, tobacco, and pharma companies want to outlaw this product. On the other hand there has been no independent research on the products. We know propylene glycol is safe, nicotine well,,, that's not necessarily bad, but on the other hand for those with weak heart conditions or high blood pressure, more nicotine isn't all that great because it raises the blood pressure. So for those smokers who want to quit, we have to ask ourselves what is the lesser of two evils? Getting nicotine only, or nicotine plus the other hundreds of other chemicals and carcinogens in a regular cigarette. I'm no health expert by no means so please don't take my word for it. Ask your health care professional what is right for you. As for me, a normal semi healthy adult that likes to have a couple of beers here and there, I've had no problems.

All in all I'm a very happy and feel a whole hell of a lot better than a month ago. I've also saved $100 by not buying cigarettes. I'm sticking with, the cheapest most advanced electric cigarette or e-cig around.

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